In Stock

Kawai GS-30 ebony 1985


Sam's Pick

Sam’s Pick

6’1″ grand

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1 in stock


This delightful piano is one of the predecessors of the current Kawai GX-3 model grand and was an upgraded version of the KG-3, Kawai’s standard 6’1″ grand model in the 1970s, 80s, and early 90s. The new list price on a present-day Kawai GX-3 is a stomach-turning $53,495.00. You could pay that if you prefer, or you could give us a call or stop by and purchase this wonderful instrument for one-quarter the cost of a comparable new Kawai grand. Piano teachers are familiar with the GS-30 and often call to ask if we have any in stock. The GS models of this time typically have a rich, complex tone that is ideal for classical repertoire with its many expressive demands. Pianos like this are an excellent example of why people fly and drive here (and telephone us) from all over the country to buy at our warehouse.

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